Symposium on Translation Profession and Translation Ethics in the Information Age


The Symposium on Translation Career and Ethics in the Information Age, sponsored by the School of Foreign Languages of Southeast University (SEU), was held on Sipailou Campus of SEU on October 15th. Attendees include the renowned experts from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Monash University (MU) of Australia, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Nanjing University (NU), Jinan University (JNU), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), as well as more than 80 researchers, practitioners, teachers and learners in the area of translation nationwide, who gather here to carry on a heated discussion on the issue of translation career and ethics in the information age in their joint effort to facilitate the development of translation research and industry.    

In his welcome speech, Dr. Ma Qiang, Secretary of the CPC committee of the School of Foreign Languages of SEU, pointed out that, with the extensive application of new media technology, it is the right time to hold this symposium which provides a high-level platform where ideas are exchanged to boost the vocational education and nurturing of talents in the translation field.

Following the opening ceremony, Prof. Li Changshuan, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation of BFSU, Prof. Zhong Yong of UNSW of Australia, Prof. Qin Lushan, Chief Interpreter of MU of Australia, Prof. Zhao Youbin, Dean of the School of Translation Studies of JNU, and Prof. Peng Ping, Vice Dean of the School of English for Special Purposes of BFSU, delivered a keynote speech respectively on the following topics, i.e. the role of translators and issues regarding translation ethics, inter-semiotic translation framework and practice, freelance translation and professional ethics, diction in English-Chinese translation, as well as translation ethics and translator ethics. Those speeches were fairly thought-provoking, bringing an academic feast for all the attendees.

During the following panel discussion, discussions were made on the three subtopics of the nurturing of translation professionals, translation career and ethics, and the professional development of translators and interpreters. Experts’ professional comments and advice were quite inspiring. Then this symposium drew to a smooth close.

                  (Report by Shi Dairong & photos by Chen Xiangyu )

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