Prof. Wen Qiufang Delivers a Lecture at School of Foreign Languages, SEU


On the morning of June 13th, 2016, upon the invitation of School of Foreign Languages, Prof. Wen Qiufang from Beijing Foreign Studies University gave a lecture on how to write a high-quality funding proposal for The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC). Dean Chen Meihua, Deputy Dean Ma Dongmei, Deputy Dean Liu Kehua and Prof. Li Xiaoxiang from Center for Faculty Development attended the lecture together with over 30 teachers from School of Foreign Languages.

With her own experiences as a reviewer of funding proposals, Prof. Wen introduced the funding proposal review and selection processes on both individual review and panel review level. Prof. Wen suggests that a funding proposal should be carefully structured with emphasis on 5 key elements. An original and innovative research topic and an eye-catching title are first and foremost elements of a funding proposal, which will immediately draw an expert reviewer’s interest to keep on reading. Research questions asked and research methodology used in a proposal are very decisive for the possibility of a proposal to be selected. As for the references included in a proposal, it is suggested that relevant, authoritative and up-to-date works should be cited. In order to show their knowledge of the research topic and the ability to conclude the project on time successfully, proposal writers are supposed to list their own publications that are highly relevant to the research topic. Key words, as an indispensable element of a proposal, should also be carefully considered and selected.

Prof. Wen answered questions from the teachers present about the writing of project proposals and stressed the importance of a careful planning of their academic career. Prof. Wen also made suggestions for academic research and discipline development of School of Foreign Languages.

Upon the close of the lecture, Dean Chen Meihua affirmatively commented on the success of this lecture and expressed her thanks for the coming of Prof. Wen and her valuable instruction.

(Reported by Zhang Yu)

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