Belarus Famous Scholar Yuri V. Stulov held lectures seris on American Literature



From May 20th to 23rd in 2014, Yuri V. Stulov, Chairman of the Department of World Literature in Minsk State Linguistics University of Belarus, was invited to deliver us speeches on JiuLong Lake Campus. First of all, Liu Kehua, Deputy Dean of our School of Foreign Languages, extended a warm welcome to Professor Yuri V. Stulov and his wishes to promote academic communication for the future development of our School. Professor Stulov, having published more than 150 articles and plenty of books on literature, education, culture, movies, English teaching and etc., is an interdisciplinary master in humanities and social science field. This time he delivered four speeches as follows: The Problem of Class, Race and Gender in Contemporary American Literature, The Problem of Canon in African American Literature, The Hero of Contemporary American Literature, as well as Reality and Illusion in American Drama. Professor Stulov is an expert on American literature, especially on Afro-American literature. His speech perfectly integrated stories and historical facts, texts and theories. All students were impressed by his wisdom and totally immersed in his speech. After each speech, he would answer questions proposed by students in detail and discuss with some English teachers about teaching curriculum, international academic communication, American and English literature and other valuable topics.

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